
The Age of Tiny Dragons II [PC]

In this second installment of the Dragon Age epic by Bioware, I had the pleasure of living out my Conan the Barbarian-esque fantasy of killing hundreds of men and bedding as many women.
Who's your daddy and what does he do!?

The game’s story is broken up into acts that allow the story to evolve how Bioware intends but still allows the player choice in the direction or pace their Hawke becomes the Champion, either defending the persecuted mages or help the templars keep them down. As always, the companions you gather in this post-blight world have memorable personalities that will develop quite richly given the chance, from your annoying, doomed little sibling to your love interest you will fight to the end for.

Combat varies between classes and even players. Just like in DA:O you can pause and control any character in your party and give them commands, and if that’s too much micromanaging for you then check out the tactics menu. The tactics are a lot more user friendly this time around in this reviewer’s opinion, I had a blast setting up healing priorities and cross-class combos. On the other hand my partner in crime would pause every 1-2 seconds and queue up attacks or other commands for the whole party, leaving nothing to chance.
The dialogue wheel present in most Bioware games added a fool-proof icon in the middle to indicate whether you were going to be a dick(aggressive), a pansy(diplomatic) or a Captain Mal wannabe(funny/charming).

Hawke the Browncoat!
The choices you make from that wheel will also shape your Hawke’s personality, so in cut scenes where you can’t make any choice your character will still retain his good nature or gruff shortness. Relationships with your companions will also evolve and certain characters might clash with your Hawke, making them a rival instead of a friend.
Even though I used the default Hawke (I lost my DA:O save in a horrible HDD tragedy) I had a great time trusting mages and have them turn around and turn into an abomination and fuck me like Dick Cheney.

Get out of here George I'm not dressed.
The updated mechanics from the friend/rivalry to the tactics to the new dialogue wheel keeps the game new but the setting is familiar with equally familiar faces that make you feel right at home. Aside from a few bugs (one quest I can think of is just plain broke) this game is awesome and enjoyable.

8 out of 10
bong rips

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